Three-Step Sparring

Three step sparring is regarded as the most important form of sparring, as it helps the student developed their techniques at the correct angle and distance in relation to the attacker and target.


·       Attention stance, bow to partner

·       Ready stance

·       Attacking person, adjust your distance with right foot stepping forward, even with opponent’s left foot, step back into ready stance

·       Attacking person, low block with yell

·       Defending person, yell, begin defense

·       Attacking person, steps three times, first with right foot outside of defender’s left foot, then left foot inside of defender’s right foot, then right foot outside of defender’s left foot

Number 1

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Defending person, inside middle forearm block in walking stances, three times

·       Then middle punch with yell

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 2

·       Attacking person, three high punches

·       Defending person, rising block in walking stances, three times

·       Then high punch with yell

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 3

·       Attacking person, three middle front kicks

·       Defending person, low block in walking stances, three times

·       Then middle front kick with yell

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 4

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Defending person, inside middle forearm block in walking stances, three times

·       Then fingertip strike high level, step halfway back with left foot, front kick middle under extended arm with yell on last technique

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 5

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Defending person, outside middle forearm block in walking stances, three times

·       Then punch high, middle, and high with yell on last technique

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 6

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Defending person, double forearm block in walking stances, three times

·       Then middle front kick with left leg, high turning kick with right leg, yell on last technique

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 7

·       Attacking person, three high punches

·       Defending person, high X block in walking stances, three times

·       Then take right hand and grab attacker’s wrist, circular motion pull attacker down and off balance, low front kick to head with right foot, yell on last technique

·       Change, other person attacking

Number 8

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Right leg steps back into L stance, knife hand block

·       Left leg steps back into L stance, knife hand block

·       Right leg moves forward into sitting stance, left hand knife hand block, right hand knife hand strike to neck

Number 9

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Left leg steps back into L stance, knife hand block

·       Right leg steps back into L stance, knife hand block

·       Left leg steps back into L stance, knife hand block

·       Then grab opponent’s wrist, step forward with left leg

·       Side kick with right leg (pulling opponent into kick)

·       Step down in L stance with knife hand strike with right hand to base of skull

Number 10

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Deflect punch with left hand

·       Deflect punch with right hand

·       Deflect punch with left hand

·       Palm heel strike with right hand to solar plexus as right leg steps up to L stance, then left leg steps up also

·       Knife hand strike to back of neck in walking stance

Number 11

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Low inner knife hand block in walking stance

·       Low inner knife hand block in walking stance

·       Dodge punch, stepping to right side with left middle side kick

·       No step, high flying reverse kook kick

Number 12

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Left leg back in L stance

·       Palm heel block with right hand

·       Step back, inside middle forearm block with left hand in L stance

·       Fall down to right side with left leg side kick, pushing up with hands.

Number 13

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Right foot steps back into rear foot stance

·       Upward palm block with left hand

·       Left foot steps back into rear foot stance

·       Downward palm block with right hand

·       No step, (blocking hand comes to ear) right outward to inward forearm block

·       And right middle elbow strike and right side backfist to head

Number 14

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Right foot steps back into walking stance

·       Middle low block

·       Left foot steps back into L stance

·       (blocking hand comes to ear) outward to inward forearm block

·       Right foot steps back into L stance

·       Outward to inward forearm block

·       Jump reverse kook kick

Number 15

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Step back with right foot into L stance

·       Left hand to ear, outer middle forearm block

·       Step back with left foot into L stance

·       Right hand to ear, outer middle forearm block

·       Step back with right foot into L stance

·       Left hand to ear, outer middle forearm block

·       Keep blocking hand where it is, step up to left foot with right foot

·       Then left foot steps forward in L stance with left backfist strike

·       Double punch in L stance, right then left hand

Number 16

·       Attacking person, three middle punches

·       Step back with right foot in L stance

·       Left hand to ear, outer middle forearm block

·       Step back with left foot in L stance

·       Right hand to ear, outer middle forearm block

·       Pull right foot halfway to left foot, then out to sitting stance while doing a middle block with outer forearm block (Do San) with left arm and do a high punch with right hand

Two-Step Sparring

Two step sparring enables the student to incorporate both hand and foot techniques into their pre-arranged sparring sequences, both in attacking and defensive modes.

Ready stance for two-step sparring:

———Attacker is in L-stance, defender is in ready stance


  • Attacker:

  •   Middle punch, walking stance

  •   Groin kick, walking stance

  • Defender:

  • Inside forearm middle block, walking stance

  • Low x-block, walking stance

  • Upset punch


  • Attacker:

  •   Middle punch, walking stance

  •   Side kick, face, walking stance

  • Defender:

  •   Outside forearm middle block, walking stance

  • Middle block, L stance

  •   Left punch to back, sitting stance


  • Attacker:

  •   Side punch, L stance

  •   Turning kick, L stance


  • Defender:

  •   Inside forearm middle block, L stance

  •   Inside forearm middle block, L stance

  •   Reverse side kick


  • Attacker:

  •   Right face punch, walking stance

  •   Middle front kick, walking stance


  • Defender:

  •   Left front kick block, walking stance

  •   Low block, L stance

  •   Step out, high punch, walking stance


  • Attacker:

  • The opposite of #4


  • Defender:

  •   The opposite of #4 but…

  •   Backfist punch, walking stance


  • Attacker:

  •   Middle punch, walking stance

  •   Low kick, walking stance


  • Defender:

  •   Double forearm block, walking stance

  •   Reverse low block, walking stance

  •   Front kick middle, left leg


  • Attacker:

  •   Right high punch, walking stance

  •   Left turning kick


  • Defender:

  •   Left hand knifehand block, L stance

  •   Skip to left side, right side kick past opponent’s armpit


  • Attacker:

  •   Right side kick

  •   Right knifehand to neck, L stance


  • Defender:

  •   Left leg back, L stance

  •   Right foot moves back to rear foot stance

  •   Knifehand guarding block

  •   Side kick past opponent’s armpit









One Step Sparring

The most difficult and spontaneous form of step sparring is one step sparring, where the student must react immediately.

1)     Left leg steps back into L stance, side middle block, punch high, middle, high (staying in L/S).


2)     Step with left leg to left side, deflecting punch with left palm (sitting stance), then double punch, then deflect opponent’s punching hand using ridge of left hand, up on balls of feet, ridgehand to opponent’s side of head.


3)     Double forearm block, front kick left leg middle, turning kick right leg high.


4)     Front kick with left leg under opponent’s wrist, turning kick with right leg to face.

5)     X-block in walking stance, left arm pushes punching hand away, step forward one half step (like a one half walking stance), middle upset punch.


6)     Left foot steps to opponent’s foot (my right side to dodge punch), same time turning to a walking stance, up on balls of back foot, look, knifehand strike to groin.


7)     Left foot steps to opponent’s foot (my right side to dodge punch),sitting stance right back elbow strike to middle section.


8)     Dodge punch, stepping to right side with left middle side kick, no step, high flying reverse hook kick.


9)     Step with left leg to left side, deflecting punch with palm in sitting stance, 2 middle punches, 1 face punch.


10)  Step to left side (really no stance), deflect punch with left hand, hold, then also grab punch with right hand, wrist lock, bringing opponent to floor.


11)  No step, right leg crescent kick block, do not step down, right leg middle side kick.


12)  Right foot steps to middle, then left foot steps up to opponent’s front foot, right arm outside forearm block, then grab opponent’s wrist, bringing arm over my head, left knifehand strike to opponent’s side, sweep with right leg.


13)  Right foot steps to middle, left foot moves forward into L stance, step forward with left foot, left outside knifehand block, bending down low with back leg on ball of foot, knifehand strike to opponent’s front ankle, opponent goes down, and at the same time, do knifehand strike to neck.


14)  Right leg back to L stance, outside middle forearm block, right leg high jump reverse hook kick.


15)  Step forward with left foot, high left knifehand block, same hand – forearm down on bridge of nose and then grabbing behind shoulder, right hand (from armpit) lifting up from under opponent’s front knee, opponent goes down, right knifehand strike to neck.


16)  (Knife attack, opponent does high punch)  Left foot moves to almost a sitting stance (in transition), x-block with right arm inside (wrist bone vertical), right foot moves to opponent’s foot to get closer, left foot moves to sitting stance, right hand grabs opponent’s wrist, breaks arm over left shoulder, sitting stance.


17)  Bo not move foot, fall to left side on left knee, right knee off ground, right turning kick to opponent’s middle, bring same leg back and forward and hook around opponent’s leg (above knee), opponent falls down, twist foot clockwise. (my left leg straight, right leg bent.)


18)  Drop down on right knee, high left knifehand block, turning hips to right side, bring right leg straight back (like a reverse turning kick), hook around opponent’s leg above knee, etc. (continue same as #17 above.)


19)  Left leg back, sitting stance, right hand comes to ear and makes front block, side kick knee level – snap, side kick middle – lock, jump side kick – face.


20)  Step to left side with left foot, right middle turning kick, while stepping down, in air, sweep with left foot through opponent’s ankle.


21)  Left foot steps to side, right foot steps forward into fixed stance, right elbow strike (left hand on fist), turning around, left foot steps to side a little in sitting stance, pull straight back with left elbow to opponent’s middle (right hand on waist, almost sitting on opponent’s knee, almost in a walking stance.)


22)  Right foot back, L stance middle block, high flying reverse hook kick.


23)  Right leg moves, sitting stance knifehand block with left hand and knifehand strike to opponent’s neck with right hand (sametime), sweep opponent’s front foot with right leg, knifehand to opponent’s neck.


24)  Right leg steps up, sitting stance (parallel to opponent’s stance), left outside forearm block, right hand punch to fulcrum level (both same time), right foot moves to walking stance, left hand reverse middle punch, left foot forward, pivot on right foot, walking stance, knifehand strike to fulcrum on ball of back foot (close to opponent’s foot.)


25)  Crescent kick block with left foot, using that momentum, reverse crescent kick to opponent’s face.


26)  Left foot steps to side very slightly, left knifehand deflect, grab opponent’s hand with both hands, right sidekick in inside of opponent’s front knee (keep foot there), wrist lock bringing opponent to floor.


27)  Jump forward, left leg front snap kick (touching opponent’s uniform), hands in blocking position.


28)  Left foot steps to left side (no stance), catching punching arm with left arm moving forward and right arm backward, rest opponent’s hand on right  knee, right knifehand strike to opponent’s neck.


29)  Right leg moves forward into sitting stance, left hand knifehand block, righthand knifehand strike to neck, half step forward with left foot, right foot sweeps opponent’s front foot.


30)  Left foot steps straight to side, right middle side kick, right foot steps down into L stance, knifehand strike to neck.


31)  Step back with left foot in L stance, inward forearm block, punch left, then right.


32)  Step forward with left leg in L stance, use back of left hand to block, leave hand where it is, spearhand with right hand using knuckles or fingers, twisting body to right on ball of back foot, left knifehand to groin, right reverse knifehand to temple.


33)  Left leg moves to side, right side kick, do not step down, hook opponent’s front ankle, while opponent in midair, reverse punch with left hand in walking stance with right leg forward.


34)  Step back in L stance with right foot and forearm guarding block, side kick with right leg, then reverse punch with left hand in walking stance on ball of left foot.


35)  Step forward with left leg in L stance, knifehand guarding block, move back foot into walking stance, same time middle punch with right hand, both hands grab opponent behind head, pulling head down, knee to middle.


36)  Step forward with left foot in L stance, left knifehand block, grab behind head on my left side with right hand, pulling head down, knee to middle (like a turning kick), step down, up on balls of foot, left hand up high, elbow strike to back of opponent’s neck.


37)  Step to right side with right foot, left middle side kick, step down, right jump reverse downward crescent kick.


38)  Same time opponent punches, front kick to middle, stepping forward.


39)  Step to side with left foot, right turning kick middle section, step down right next to  foundation foot and pivot heel so it points to opponent, middle reverse side kick past opponent, then step down into L stance with left foot to opponent’s back foot, side knifehand strike to bridge of nose.


40)  Pivot on left heel to inside, right foot forward in L stance, upward wrist block with right hand, pick up right foot, bring it back and then forward in long fixed stance, side elbow strike middle section with right elbow.


41)  Step forward with right foot, heel points to target, reverse side kick, same time stepping down, reverse punch with right hand.


42)  Twisting block with left arm (no step, just turn shoulders), left middle backfist, step forward with left foot in walking stance, right upset punch, step with left foot straight to outside, right middle turning kick with instep, left leg sweeps opponent’s front foot, downward punch to face with right hand.


43)  Left outside crescent kick blocking opponent’s punch at wrist, stepping down in ready stance, then step forward with right foot, right hand middle punch.


44)  (There is distance between me and opponent.) One running step forward with right leg, left foot front kick up under opponent’s wrist, right foot turning kick head level (double kick in air.)


45)  Left foot steps forward into L stance, left high knifehand block, pivot into walking stance, side elbow strike with right elbow (grabbing opponent’s head), ball of right foot.


46)  Left foot steps back into L stance, right inward forearm block, grab opponent’s wrist with left hand, pull back right foot into rear foot stance, right side knifehand strike to head.


47)  Step forward with left foot into walking stance, right hand middle knifehand block (ball of foot), grab opponent’s arm, middle turning kick with right foot, step down, left hand middle punch (on ball of foot and still holding opponent’s arm.)


48)  Step forward with left foot into walking stance, right hand middle knifehand block (ball of foot), grab opponent’s arm, middle turning kick with right foot, do not step down, while in air sweep with left foot.